Well, to give you more UMPC available here in the Philippines. Check this link for UMPC comparison during April of this year... Just for you to have an idea...
Later last month of this year, I bought two UMPC, the Deep BLUE H1 and the ASTONE UMPC because of its' price down... At first, I bought Blue H1 somewhere in SM North for a price of 13500 because it was charged thru credit card for preferred payment for 1year and for an XP OS... It should only be 11495 for cash, if Linux 9995. Then, the next day I went to Gilmore to buy another BLUE H1 coz' my brother asked me to buy for him too... Well, as I was looking, I saw at PC Corner that they have Deep BLUE H1 and ASTONE UMPC for a lowered price of 9995 both... If replaced for XP OS, BLUE H1 priced at 11495 and the ASTONE UMPC priced for 11995. But, I bought the other one which is the ASTONE UMPC coz' of its' added 30Gig from its' previous 30Gig, so, 60Gig already! For the price of 9995pesos... Added features like the slot for webcam, VOIP phone or TV tuner... And it has stylus (touch screen panel)... I personally installed a licensed XP OS on my ASTONE UMPC... So, I saved 2000pesos... ;-)